Tuesday, January 27, 2015

'The Walking Dead Road to Woodbury' #3 Blog

Summery: After walking around they seen a couple of cars on the road and figured to siphon the fuel. Mean while they were gathering fuel, Walkers were coming towards them all of the sudden.  Josh and Bob were gonna protect them. But a man in a bandanna came towards them, he started to help them, by defending them with the walkers. After Lilly, Megan and Scott got the gas they met up with the new mysterious guy. His name, Martinez, he said something about a settlement not to far away. They have walls, food, water, and even some electricity. The group was skeptical, but ended up on all agreeing to go with "Martinez."

Plot/Prediction: So, so far in the book this group of people were in a safe place... then left to go on the road. Now that there on the road.. they're just doing whatever. They found some cars and though it would've been good to get gas. Then a stranger comes named "Martinez" that offers a good deal. He tells them about a safe place not far from where they're at, and need a couple of helping hands to help them. I think this place is not what it's going to be, I have a eerie feeling about this and the group of people might be in a bad situation. But they agreed to all go and find better lives in a terrible world.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

'The Walking Dead Road to Woodbury' #2 Blog

Summary: After hearing the noises outside of the gates, everybody was scared and didn't know if the walkers would come in.  They started getting prepared, Lilly, Josh, Bob, Megan, and Scott. And everybody else in the large group. After a short while of being mute, nothing came. Afterwards they started doing the things they were doing until... The "Leader" of the group said Josh couldn't stay. Lilly didn't like that and tried to reason with the man. Josh began packing his things and said he was leaving. Lilly decided she going with him, afterwards a domino affect happened. Lilly left, then Bob decided to leave, then, Megan and Scott got ready to leave this place they use to call "Home". They decided to walk wherever the wind blew them.

Theme: The theme so far is If you do something bad you have to deal with it. Or something similar to that. Josh Lee, got into the fight, and that led to him leaving and Lilly, Bob, Megan, and Scott leaving with him too. Now they're on their own with very little supplies, and no where to go. They also don't even have transportation so I think their chances are very slim. I wonder where their gonna go next?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

'The Walking Dead Road to Woodbury' #1 Blog

The Book I'm reading is The Walking Dead 'Road to Woodbury' the second book of The Walking Dead. The book starts off with a different character instead of Phillip. The main character in this book is Lilly, and from what I see she's in a safe place with fence and people doing work. There's new people such as, Josh Lee, Bob Stookey, Megan and Scott. And everyone is safe, it's quiet. Until Josh and the guy that is on watch get into a little fight, Josh leaves with his hands bruised and hurt. Then there was a lot of commotion about what they should do about Josh, and they heard many noises outside of the fence and seen many "walkers" walking towards them.

So far already in the book, the conflict is Man vs Man, with Josh and the 'Man on watch' who got into a fight. And now people are discussing what they should do with Josh, if he's safe enough to keep at the group. And I'm sure many more conflicts will happen soon in the book.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goals-Anthony Beimal.

Academic Goal: My academic goal is to do better in Math and lit class, to score at least a B or a B-. I will study more, pay attentions, and do all my homework when it's suppose to be turned. And get extra help.

Personal Goal:  My Personal goal will be to fall asleep earlier, and to wake up earlier. Because I always stay up late and tired. So I'll try to change it and fall asleep earlier.