Friday, November 7, 2014

Assignment (3) Summary and Plot/The Walking Dead

Summary: After David Chalmers passed away and when everyone was waiting. Phillip and Brian heard some noise in the other room, a big thumping noise. Like someone was falling or hitting the ground, Phillip runs in the room and see's that David was on the ground reaching for Tara, he was one of those "biters" as they call them. Tara was shocked and scared, Phillip reached for April's baseball bat and used it, hitting David several times. After, they buried him outside in the back, Tara had mixed emotions, feeling sad, then feeling mad at Phillip for doing that. They wait, no one talks for awhile. April then says "Thanks for what you did." to Phillip. The next day, Nick the other person with the group has been going outside by himself, making little "safe zones" he marks them with a note and leaves them just for emergencies. Phillip didn't like that he went out by himself, but when Nick took him out and they brought back a lot of stuff. Then he took April later that day to get some stuff. They went out and everything was peachy. But Phillip kind of likes April, as reminding him of his wife, Sarah. He was telling her that. But there was some commotion outside and their were more "biters." So they ran back to their shelter or apartment building. They were going to sleep. Phillip woke up in the night, he seen his door was ajar I seen his gun was off the counter, even his boots were gone. He went over to see what was happening and he turned over to see Tara holding his gun, pointed to him. She said to just do what she says, she said leave and never come back. Phillip was sort of begging for them to stay, she shot the wall next to him, waking everybody else. Nick, and Brian, there stuff was gone too. Nick was pleading Tara to stay, or just give them at least some food for Penny. She had no sympathy and left them out in the street raining. They ran inside a small building for shelter but there were a lot of those "biters" outside. They ran into a barbershop, found some supplies, towels, bottles, rags, and a lighter. They decided to make Molotov cocktails and throw them at them, buying them some time they ran into the same motor shop as before. And seem racks of motorcycles. They stayed there for some time until the rain went away. And decided to go on 2 motorcycles, Brian and Nick on 1, Phillip and Penny on the other. They were just driving to find somewhere safe. After driving for awhile, they come up to a small town, it's clean, looks abandoned. BUT... Brian says he seen a silhouette of like 2 people, he said I think we're being followed.

Plot: The main events that happened so far is, Bobby Marsh dying. Reaching Atlanta, Finding the Chalmer's family. Leaving the Chalmer's family. Finding this place that seems to be "empty". I don't think I have gotten to the climax yet but I have just a feeling someone Phillip loves is gonna die, but I hope not. Things that surprised me so far in the plot is that Phillip and his group got kicked out of the Chalmer's family apartment. I really thought they were going to stay longer. That's it so far.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot of information! Next time, work on limiting your summary to the most important details - not every detail possible. Then, add some comments about these details.
